Mtic desing knowledge exchange program
The MTic-design knowledge exchange program seeks to create professional design knowledge by developing innovative products through international cooperation of Colombian and Dutch designers, and to capture the emerging knowledge in order to share it with an as large as possible audience.
Dutch designers will team up in duos with designers from Colombia. Each duo will design an interior product in a long-distance collaboration. The product will result from the fusion of the different methodologies, approaches and aesthetics based on their (design) culture and personal style. Each duo will work with one of three themes, namely water, local-local and seduction respectively aiming at societal utility, cultural awareness, and consumer attractiveness. Their task is also to investigate the production possibilities of the prototypes they developed.
Design universities from Colombia and the Netherlands will research the design processes of the teams, the contribution of the design cultures to the results and the contribution of intercultural collaboration to innovation. The intercultural collaboration will also be measured from an international business point of view.
Studio Bas Sala together with Marie-Thérèse Woltering initiated the project. Studio Bas Sala coordinates the design project within the program. The project starts in february 2015 with 9 Dutch and 9 Colombian designers.
For more information visit the website: