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Cloud City: An interactive 3d printed model about smart cities.


Welcome to the future!

A smart city based on AI systems collects data about a city’s infrastructure and its people. The goal is to improve city functions, efficiency and city life.


In a smart city all the data comes together and is processed in one place represented by the data center in the model. Using machine learning, findings and solutions are formulated intending to optimize the city. But according to which ideal? In the model we present the relationship between four themes: smart systems, smart mobility, smart surveillance and smart environment. 


Watch the movie to get an impression of the model.


Studio Bas Sala developed the model from scratch - from the first concept to the production of the model.


The interactive installation is part of the Artificial Intelligence exhibition shown in

-DASA Dortmund Germany (2021-2022);

-Parcque de las Ciencias Granada Spain (2022-2023);

-Technisches Museum Wien Austria (2023-2024).


At the Dutch Design Week Eindhoven 2024 the installation is part of the Embassy of digital futures. 


#smartcity #3dprintedmodel #model #Artificialintellengce #studiobassala

#dasa #dortmund #smartrainbarrel #Interactivemodel #tmvienna #technischesmuseumwien #3dprinting​

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