Big Data Furniture

Big Data Furniture
Interactive, smart furniture, that generates and analyzes data of the DDW visitor
The Big Data furniture scans its surroundings and interacts with users by changing colors based on the detected movement and the spatial influences.
In addition to this collective interactivity, the furniture engages with users on a more individual level, by “conversing” with them.
The generated patterns of movement, behaviours and environmental data will be stored and visualized in an online database. Studio Bas Sala will use the data to improve and steer the experience of the users. But it also talks back through Twitter and connects to other smart products in same space/house to influence them to a more personal behaviour.
Tradition products in our private homes are on the eve of a fundamental change. Almost all products will become smart. They will get an interactive layer and will be able to adapt and improve during their lifetime by changing to the habits and preferences of the user. In the near further objects without power will be able to be in contact to the outside world by networks like Lora.
All these products generate data. The data is used for a wide range of goals. Improving the experience and getting regular safety updates are two of the most obvious ones. But what happens when more and more products in your private life become smart. What will happen when almost all products and object are smart. From the painting on the wall to the chair you sit on.
Designers need to get more involved in the debate around big data versus privacy: What data should be collected? Who owns this data? Is it owned by a company, the government or all of us? As a designer what rights do you have to record and store data? What are the rights and the new roles of the users?
The furniture presented at the Dutch Design Week by Studio Bas Sala aims to stimulate a healthy discussion around these questions and more
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Report in Dutch of Big Data Furniture at the Dutch Design Week 2016 by